The satisfaction of our customers is of great importance to us and we strive to meet the highest expectations and guarantee professionalism and reliability, Therefor Our specialized teams will give you the top rated results.

Advantages of waterless exterior & interior cleaning system

There is no wastewater that has to be disposed of.
This cleaning system does not need a wastewater treatment plant.
The train can be cleaned at a station or railway yard. No dripping
The pads and microfiber cloths are always saturated with the same amount of detergent therefore no wasting.
No build-up of cleaning products on the surface of the trains.
Significant extension of cleaning intervals.
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Station Interior Cleaner

STEP BY STEP - Apply Crous Interior Cleaner P with a Micro cloth (yellow) to all Surfaces ie. tables wood or coated, leather and steel.

Station Floor Cleaner

STEP BY STEP - First Person Applies Floor Cleaner P with Pump Back Spray. Second Person Wipe with floor mop or micro pad.

Cleaning Bathrooms

STEP BY STEP - Apply Toilet Cleaner P with Micro Pad (Red) to Basins, Toilets, Taps.

Train Floor Cleaner

STEP BY STEP - Apply Floor Cleaner P with Pump Back Spray, and mop with Micro Pad Mop. For heavy duty scrub with a Floor Pad.

Interior Cleaner

STEP BY STEP - Apply Crous Interior Cleaner P with a Micro cloth (yellow) to Side Panels, Glass, Leather and steel holding bars.

Graffiti Remover

STEP BY STEP - Apply Crous Graffiti Remover. For Acrylic Graffiti and Tar or Bitumen wait for 30sec to 90 sec / M2 will dissolve.